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by 올뺴미 2024. 10. 10.

The first deadline is 5pm on 11 October for questions 1 - 6

The second deadline is 5pm on 18 October for questions 7 - 13

The third deadline is 5pm on 25 October for questions 14 - 19

The fourth deadline is 5pm on 1 November for questions 20 - 21

The fifth deadline is 5pm on 22 November for questions 22 - 26

The sixth deadline is 5pm on 29 November for questions 27 - 28

The seventh deadline is 5pm on 6 December for questions 29 - 41

The eighth deadline is 5pm on 13 December for questions 42 - 60


no.1 - 6

Coursework Question 1


An investment project has a negative initial outlay of £11.6m and then a positive cashflows of £4.9m for the next 9 years.
What is the net present value of this project at a discount rate of 3.25%?

Answer: £ m



Coursework Question 2


An investment project has a negative initial outlay of £11.6m and then a positive cashflows of £4.9m for the next 9 years.
What is the internal rate of return of this project?

Answer: %


Coursework Question 3


A company has 179 units of inventory, which cost £1.6 each, £390 of cash and total liabilities of £41, what is the total equity for the company?

Answer: £


Coursework Question 4


A company starts the day with £9600 equity and £1600 liabilities. It then borrows a further £950 and sells 145 units of inventory for £10 each that cost £1.3 each to make. What is the equity at the end of the day?

Answer: £ 


Coursework Question 5


By how much have the assets of the company increased during the day?

Answer: £


Coursework Question 6


A company has stock with a book value at the start of the year of £1190. Over the year it pays £36500 in wages, to sales staff (who are directly involved in selling the stock) and £44800 in rent on a portable shop from where the produce is sold. It spends another £12200 on further stock purchases and finishes the year with stock with a book value of £1320. It pays dividends of £4000 during the year and invests £7000 in a new manufacturing plant at the end of the year. What are its cost of sales for the year?

Answer: £ 



In the Income Statement part, Coursework 6, I can understand that wage and rent on premises count towards to the cost of sales as they are directly related to the running business. However, why we need to add the cost of purchasing stocks and difference between stock values (end year book value - start year book value) in calculating cost of shares?

Moreover, is there any definition to help us in calculating cost of sale? For example, expenses that directly related to doing business like wages, rent are included in cost of sale.
The stock values issue is the easy part. The cost of sales is the cost of the stuff you have sold. so if you started the year with £30 of stuff bought £40 more stuff and ended the year with £10 of stuff then you must have sold £60 of stuff (the stuff you bought plus the amount by which the stuff you had went down). How rent and wages go into (or do not go into) cost of sales is much less clear. It is based on the broad principle: if the sales go down will we pend less on it. So sales commission will go down if you sell less. head office salaries will not go down. for sales staff it is unclear and will change depending on whether they are permanent employees or perhaps zero hours contract type people. In the exam be aware of the issue and explain why what you are doing makes sense.


진잦 누가 이렇게 애매하게 답변함....

정답은 staff wage, rent까지 들어가는 거고 investment(overhead cost)포함되지 않음.





Coursework Question 7


A single person earns £77000 from his employment and receives £10000 bank interest (gross).
How much tax does he pay?

Answer: £ 



Coursework Question 8

A single person earns £200000 and also has benefits in kind totalling £18000. How much tax does he pay

Answer: £ 

Previous attempts


Coursework Question 10

Mrs Portunes earns £107000 and has benefits in kind totalling £4500.
She has dividend income of £10000.
How much tax is payable:

Answer: £ 


Coursework Question 11

A person has £3000 of the basic tax band unused. They make a chargeable gain of £27700, on the disposal of some antique furniture. How much capital gains tax is due?

Answer: £ 

Coursework Question 12

Mr Vulcan sells a painting for £134000 and pays sales commission of £4200.
The painting cost £64350 and repairs cost £3600.
He also has a salary of £40000
a) What is the chargeable gain?

Answer: £ 


Coursework Question 13

b) How much CGT is payable?

Answer: £ 

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