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Actuarial Science

Financial Mathematics 보험수리학 DCF, Discounted Payback Period (DPP)

by 올뺴미 2024. 11. 23.

Example 1)


Initial investment of $100,000 - funded by borrowing at 9% pa 
income of $10,500 per annum payable annually in arrears for 25 years.


Assuming that the interest rate on lending is 7% per annum, find the accumulated profit at the end of the investment.


1. Borrowing rate와 Lending rate는 다르다

2. lending rate는 주로 borrowing rate 보다 더 낮다.

3. DPP 이후에는 프로젝트가 수익을 냈기 때문에 lending rate 적용이 가능하다.


그렇다면  Income을 반년 단위로 받는담 어떨까?


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